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RSS Feed Readers for Streamlining the Internet

The internet is a mess. Ignore the algorithm, and distill the web down to the things you actually care about. This is from an article on Wired. My point here is that there are smart ways to organize information. Like me, these days I am possessively interested in Chat GPT. Who knew? 🙂
WHETHER YOU ARE sick of social media, want to get away from endless notifications, or just want to read your news all in one spot, an RSS reader can help. RSS stands for “really simple syndication.” It’s a protocol that allows an RSS reader to talk to your favorite websites and get updates from them. Instead of visiting 10 sites to see what’s new, you view a single page with all new content.
I use Inofreader and my feed for ChatGPT in school looks like this, see picture.
Below I share the posts I enjoyed reading and would like to share with you.

ChatGPT is one of a variety of AI-enabled writing tools

There are a growing number of natural language programs that are similar to ChatGPT and can support the writing process. According to a recent article(link is external), these include:

Other tools that are focused more on corporate copywriting include:

The Washington Post has been using Heliograf(link is external) to write stories for its business and sports pages since 2016, and later expanded its use for political and economic stories.

ChatGPT is currently free to use

Because ChatGPT was developed and deployed by OpenAI, it is free to use. Users need to create a log-in to have access to the program anywhere and at anytime, although access is sometimes restricted because of the high volume of users at certain times.

On its FAQ page, OpenAI makes clear that “free use” is for a research preview phase. There is no indication either of how long this phase will last or what (if any) pricing model may apply once the phase is completed. Other services from OpenAI Foundation, such as the AI-enabled image generator DALL-E(link is external), is a pay-per-use service, with monthly free credits available for registered users.
ChatGPT learns from its interactions with users.

When ChatGPT is used in a chatbot application, it can continue to learn from the interactions it has with users. This can be done through “fine-tuning,” a process in which the chatbot is fed a new dataset of conversations that are specific to the task or domain the chatbot will be used in. This allows ChatGPT to learn more about the specific language and content that is relevant to the application, and to generate more relevant responses.

One of its main advantages is that it can be easily fine-tuned for specific tasks or domains, allowing it to generate relevant responses to a particular conversation or user need. It is also able to handle a wide range of conversation styles and can generate responses that are appropriate for different types of conversations, including casual, formal and technical.

It’s important to note that ChatGPT is not able to learn in the same way that a human does, but it can continue to improve its performance and generate more appropriate responses through fine-tuning and exposure to new data.

ChatGPT: Educational friend of foe? Used in the right way, ChatGPT can be a friend to the classroom and an amazing tool for our students, not something to be feared.

AI bot ChatGPT writes smart essays — should professors worry?  Even if this is the end of essays as an assessment tool, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, says Arvind Narayanan, a computer scientist at Princeton University in New Jersey. He says essays are used to test both a student’s knowledge and their writing skills. “ChatGPT is going to make it hard to combine these two into one form of written assignment,” he says. But academics could respond by reworking written assessments to prioritize critical thinking or reasoning that ChatGPT can’t yet do.

ChatGPT: Teachers Weigh In on How to Manage the New AI Chatbot. When we edit, can ChatGPT become a coach? When I asked it, “Can you explain what a comma splice is? Then give a few simple examples and show me how to fix them,” it did a phenomenal job of coaching me in this skill. If I needed more, I could ask it a follow-up question. When we see a student’s writing is rife with these distractions, might ChatGPT provide some quick, tailored, remedial instruction, opening our time to help students apply the skill?

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