Why Is Tech So Slow To Go?

I just read this article by  Tom Whitby @tomwhitby. I think this is a common question among the educators I know and meet when I am attending conferences around the world, both online and in person. Sometimes it hits you that keynote speakers are repeating the same story talking about sitting in rows, teacher-driven classrooms and little engagement from the students. I know schools are different, that not all schools in the US are like this and that schools in Norway have for the most part moved on. But still, many educators are struggling with adjusting. Here is the end of the post written by Tom Whitby. You will find the full article here.

 Why is our education system so slow in developing methodologies that are supportive of teachers learning and using technology with their students? Why aren’t educators learning along with their students the very things they were not exposed to as they grew and learned? Why are we not concentrating more on student-centered learning, as opposed to Teacher-driven teaching? Why are we not focusing more on collaborative learning as opposed to lecture and direct instruction? Why aren’t districts more in tune with supporting collaborative learning for their teachers in obtaining relevant professional development to teach kids for their own future?

Well, now that I sat down to write something on education, I find myself again screen screaming, but this time it has nothing to do with partisan politics. I guess the idea of comfort zones, traditions, and closed mindedness are just as frustrating when we recognize where we should be going, but only a few are willing to take a chance on innovation. Maybe politics and education have more in common than I thought. Just because you have always done it one way doesn’t mean it must continue that way. When the world around you changes, pay attention. If we are going to better educate our kids, we must first better educate their educators.

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