Global education conference

2014Conference_WebsiteBannerHappy to have participated in the global education conference! My session was one of the first and I had a lot of enthusiastic knowledgable educators join me and contribute in the discussions. You have to love the global education conference. I had more than 60 visitors from all over the world. Listing the countries and states below!

My presentation is on slideshare here:


The recording is found here! 

Gret thanks to my visitors from: Washington DC, Columbus, Ohio, Denver, Co. Auckland New Zealand, Woodbury NJ, Israel, Texas, Mexico, Kansas, Chicago, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Argentina, London, Serbia, Asheville NC, Puerto Rico, Nepal, Florida, Egypt, NYC, Argentina, Maryland,


One comment

  1. You’ve got such an array of tools in use at your school. Wondered if the content of the learning involved concepts such as interconnections, human rights, social justice, intercultural understanding, peace and conflict resolution, sustainable futures. You’d have the “what” and the “how”.

I would love to hear from you