ISTE take-home message #2: The flipped classroom makes sense

While searching what people are talking about after attending ISTE 2011 I came across this article at ZDNET education. Turns out they have a whole series about take-home messages from ISTE. Since I already was familiar with the flipped classroom before coming to the conference, I arranged to meet up with Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams,  two science teachers from Woodland Park, South Dakota who are leading a revolution in instruction called “The Flipped Class.”

I am very excited to say that they both agreed to come and visit us here in Norway and do a presentation at our conference on the 12th of October. Read more about the concept below and take a look at the a 3 minute video from their presentation in Philadelphia. You might also want to participate in the discussions at the flipped classroom network.

Stated simply, their method involves flipping what happens in the classroom with what happens at home. Rather than lecture live, they make videos for their student to watch at home. Class time is spent working with students to better understand the material covered in the videos. Their motto is, “class is for conversation, not dissemination.”

If you aren’t familiar with the idea of a flipped classroom, essentially listening to or watching lectures becomes homework that happens prior to class. Then classes are devoted to small group work, interaction with the instructor, labs, etc. Flipping the classroom works like this:  Teachers record their lectures or mashup their own lectures with resources from YouTube, publishers, etc., that students can then consume at night. By the next class, they’ve already heard the lecture and are then ready for a quick refresher and can start whatever activities play to the strengths and needs of the group and the class. ZDNET – ISTE take-home message #2

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