Conference in Norway

Sandvika vgs high school hosts a conference every year around October – November.  This year I think we had a great program. We had two international speakers from the USA:  Will Richardson and Richard DeLorenzo, as well as great speakers from Norway. Two  teachers from our own school and this year students also participated both as speakers and as film crew, filming the whole event. It was also great to host a 3 day boot camp for school leaders led by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Will Richardson. 31 school leaders from two counties in Norway and from Stockholm Sweden participated. For those who could not make it the conversations were good on twitter ##db2010 and #plposlo2010. Many teachers and school leaders do not use twitter or read or write  blogs. This was a huge step for many in realizing how useful the social media is in connecting and learning. “’What can you do?’ has been replaced with ‘What can you and your network connections do?’ Knowledge itself is moving from the individual to the individual and his contacts. (Jay Cross, Informal Learning). I made many new connections during this week and look forward to collaborating and learning more! These are great times to be working in schools. Here are some of the tweets from the boot camp. Enjoy – and enjoy the presentations too!

The four stages: 1. Share 2. Cooperate (connect) 3. Collaborate 4. Collective Action #plposlo2010

Three awesome days in Norway…my brain hurts. Looks like we might be coming back next year! #allgood #plposlo2010








  1. I also learned a great deal and loved connecting with so many smart educational leaders. I expect great things to come out of the time spent in Norway. I am also excited about coming back next year.

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