The Edublogger’s Student Competition!

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Image by Sue Waters via Flickr

I now challenge my students to participate in the Edublogger’s student competition.  There are 3 different topics to choose from (see this page), but I suggest you write post 2 or 3. Look here:

  • Your story of how blogging has helped you connect to a global audience and what this connection has meant to you.  e.g. the friends you have made, what you have learnt about other cultures, how you are able to share your passions with others, how you are able to use blogging to share your views on topics
  • What difference has blogging made to your life at school and home e.g. how has it changed how you learn, the challenges of blogging and how teachers might make the process easier

Follow the instructions on this page to enter! Good luck!

My students’ blogs can be found in the list on the right.

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