Lesson plan; In Phoenix, Heat Becomes a Brutal Test of Endurance

Subject: Global Warming

Grade Level: 9-12

Arizona is used to scorching summers, but the region’s long stretch of days with 110-degree temperatures is straining patience and resources. Summers in Phoenix are now a brutal endurance match. As the climate warms, forecasters say that dangerous levels of heat crank up earlier in the year, last longer — often well past Halloween — and lock America’s hottest big city in a sweltering straitjacket.


  • Students will be able to define global warming and explain its causes.
  • Students will be able to discuss the effects of global warming on the environment and human health.
  • Students will be able to identify ways to reduce their own impact on climate change.

Lesson plan

  1. Begin by asking students what they know about global warming. What do they think causes it? What are some of the effects it has on the environment?
  2. Read the article “Phoenix Heat Wave: The Deadliest in City’s History” to the class. Discuss the article’s main points, such as the fact that the heat wave was the deadliest in Phoenix’s history and that it was likely caused by global warming.

Read these additional articles

  • “How Global Warming Works and What It Means for Our Future” by National Geographic. This article explains the science behind global warming and its consequences for the planet and humanity. It also provides some examples of how people are trying to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change. You can find the article here: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/global-warming-overview/
  • “Climate Change: The Facts” by BBC. This article provides an overview of the evidence, causes, and impacts of climate change. It also addresses some common myths and misconceptions about the topic. You can find the article here: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-24021772
  • “10 Ways to Fight Climate Change” by World Wildlife Fund. This article lists some simple actions that individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprint and help protect the environment. It also explains why these actions matter and how they can make a difference. You can find the article here: https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/10-ways-to-fight-climate-change
  1. Explain the definition of global warming and its causes. Emphasize that global warming is caused by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels. And answer these questions:

Fact questions:

  • What is the main cause of global warming?
  • What is the difference between global warming and climate change?
  • What is the greenhouse effect and how does it work?
  • What are some of the sources of greenhouse gases?
  • What are some of the indicators of global warming, such as temperature, sea level, and ice cover?
  • What are some of the impacts of global warming on the environment, such as biodiversity, ecosystems, and weather patterns?
  • What are some of the impacts of global warming on human health, such as heat stress, respiratory problems, and infectious diseases?
  • What are some of the ways that people are trying to adapt to the effects of global warming, such as migration, irrigation, and disaster preparedness?
  • What are some of the ways that people are trying to mitigate the effects of global warming, such as renewable energy, carbon capture, and reforestation?
  • What are some of the international agreements and initiatives that aim to address global warming, such as the Paris Agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?
  1. Discuss the effects of global warming on the environment. These effects can include rising sea levels, melting glaciers, more extreme weather events, and changes in plant and animal life.
  2. Discuss the effects of global warming on human health. These effects can include heat stress, respiratory problems, and the spread of vector-borne diseases.
  3. Have students brainstorm ways to reduce their own impact on climate change. These actions can include driving less, using less energy, and recycling.
  4. Conclude the lesson by summarizing the key points that were discussed.

Choose one essay question

  • How does global warming affect your life and your community? Give examples and suggest solutions.
  • How can individuals and governments work together to fight climate change? Explain the benefits and challenges of cooperation.
  • How can education and awareness help to reduce global warming? Provide examples and recommendations.


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