This year’s commencement speech

The advice I wish I heard at the graduation I never had

By Bill Gates | May 15, 2023

Read the whole speech here.

Read this with your class and do a think-pair-share. First with the five sentences below and then look at the discussion topics in class.

This is the advice I shared:

  1. Your life isn’t a one-act play.
  2. You’re never too smart to be confused.
  3. Gravitate toward work that solves an important problem.
  4. Don’t underestimate the power of friendship.
  5. You’re not a slacker if you cut yourself some slack.

You can read more about the life experiences that led me to this advice—and my speech in full—on my blog.

Discussion topics in class

  • Your life isn’t a one-act play.
    • What does this sentence mean to you?
    • How can you apply this sentence in your life?
    • What are some examples of people who have lived their lives as if it were a one-act play?
    • What are some ways to make your life more interesting?
  • You’re never too smart to be confused.
    • What does this sentence mean to you?
    • How can you apply this sentence in your life?
    • What are some examples of people who have been confused despite their intelligence?
    • What are some ways to overcome confusion?
  • Gravitate toward work that solves an important problem.
    • What does this sentence mean to you?
    • How can you apply this sentence in your life?
    • What are some examples of people who have gravitated toward work that solves an important problem?
    • What are some ways to identify important problems?
  • Don’t underestimate the power of friendship.
    • What does this sentence mean to you?
    • How can you apply this sentence in your life?
    • What are some examples of the power of friendship?
    • What are some ways to strengthen friendships?
  • You’re not a slacker if you cut yourself some slack.
    • What does this sentence mean to you?
    • How can you apply this sentence in your life?
    • What are some examples of people who have cut themselves some slack and still succeeded?
    • What are some ways to balance work and relaxation?

I would love to hear from you