What is AI story generator?

Jarvis, which uses artificial intelligence to write, is offering to write blog posts and marketing material,”

As the name itself suggests, an AI story generator is a software or online tool which helps in creating new stories, novels, plotlines, etc on an automated basis using the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning.

“Jarvis’ writing is not very good, but it’s better than what many students turn out.” This points to an important truth: AI doesn’t have to be as good as the best we can produce. It only has to be better than the worst. In addition to essays, Jarvis can produce coursework, lab reports and even term papers. And book reports: “Jarvis will produce high-quality, plagiarism-free book reports that will impress your teachers and show you are capable of writing academic essays that matter.” Teachers, will AI make cheating so easy that it’s impossible to detect? If so, what do you do?  Source: Joanne Jacobs

That certainly is an interesting question. To try out the AI story generator you have to register a credit card for a 5 days trial. I did not do that, but I’m sure these programs are evolving and getting better. I did try the free trial for ShortlyAI, pretending to be a student writing an essay on Northern Ireland.  Here is the result; not too much to worry about, yet. AI is not only for students of course but also a way for teachers to automate the art of asking questions. Take a look at the video on the bottom of the page too.

Question of independence

Northern Ireland has been relying on a power-sharing agreement between Irish nationalists and unionists since the 1998 Peace Agreement, but the
agreement has not achieved any lasting stability. In May 2017, following the UK’s decision to leave the EU and with Brexit promising further instability in Ireland, there was speculation that a border poll could be held in 2018. As of December 2017, no such poll had taken place.

The European Commission is drawing up plans for a regional fund for Northern Ireland which will include €1bn over three years for projects to support social inclusion and reconciliation across all communities. On 15 December 2018 Prime Minister Theresa May published her resignation letter from her position overseeing Brexit negotiations.

The Troubles

In 1969, the British Army began setting up the controversial “Troubles” in Northern Ireland. After 30 years of conflict, there were 3,600 killings and over 50,000 injuries. The IRA launched over 2,000 attacks on various targets, including civilians and soldiers. In September 1994, following two decades of violence and death in Northern Ireland known as “The Troubles”, the IRA declared a ceasefire.

Belfast is ranked as the safest city in both Britain and Ireland. The UK Prime Minister Theresa May will announce her 12-point plan for peace in Northern Ireland on January 10th 2019 at Belfast’s Stormont House Government Buildings.

Poverty in Northern Ireland

The recession of 2008 caused the highest increase in poverty in Northern Ireland in the UK, with one-in-five children and one-in-three elderly people living in poverty. Between 2012 and 2016, 20,000 elderly people were forced to use food banks. While the media has focused on Brexit as a cause for economic uncertainty, other potential future factors lie within Northern Ireland’s
own political deadlock over power sharing. The Northern Irish Secretary, Karen Bradley (pictured) has also highlighted that Northern Ireland does not have a government, which is delaying its ability to grasp opportunities for economic growth. “The Northern Ireland economy is still very much dependent on public sector jobs,” she said.


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