Getting Started with CommonLit Español

Over 550 authentic Spanish texts and digital tools — all for free!

Just read this article in CommonLit. Looks like a great resource for Spanish teachers.

Looking for free Spanish literacy resources? The CommonLit Español library has grown significantly in the last couple of years and now has over 550 Spanish texts. Our library is unique because it features a variety of literary texts, poetry, and informational texts, written by renowned authors and poets such as Alma Flor Ada, Horacio Quiroga, and Antonio Machado.

Accessing the Spanish library

There are two ways to access the Spanish library on CommonLit. The first can be done by navigating to the English library, selecting Spanish under the Languages tab in the filters bar, and then selecting Spanish Texts.

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Go to and select “Spanish” to view Spanish texts.

The second can be done by navigating directly to the Spanish platform:, selecting Explorar la biblioteca, and then Textos.

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