NMC Horizon Report Europe

nmc_itunesu.HREU2014The NMC Horizon Report Europe > 2014 Schools Edition was released on October the 2nde. The goal for this major multiorganizational collaboration is that the key trends, challenges, and technological developments detailed here directly inform policy, leadership, and practice at all levels impacting European schools.

This report aims to help ministers, governing boards, and school leaders to strategically approach the further evolution of teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. Each topic has been carefully researched and framed in the context of its potential impact on the 28 European Union Member States’ primary and secondary schools. Throughout the report, references and links are made to more than 150 European publications, projects, and various policy initiatives from all over Europe. The report is currently being translated into 20+ languages by the EC. Below is included an extract from the report.

The 2014 Horizon Project Europe Expert Panel

As a member of the Expert Panel, it has been interesting to explore the trends in Europe. Below is an extract from the report.

Growing Ubiquity of Social Media

School-age students commonly use social media to connect with their peers for all sorts of reasons, and understanding how social media can be leveraged for social learning — and how to avoid common missteps — has come to be a key skill for teachers. Initial teacher education and continuing professional development (CPD) programmes are increasingly expected to include these topics. Ann Michaelsen, a teacher and administrator in Norway, recently showed BETT Conference participants in London how to use Skype, YouTube, blogs, and Twitter to forge connections between students and experts,21 but educators can also access professional forms of social media as well. Teachers across Europe are creating and participating in communities of practice via LinkedIn groups — “Prime Teachers Network”22 and “Teaching English in Europe”23 are two example groups in a growing set. Schools are using LinkedIn to announce open teaching positions and evaluate potential candidates.


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