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How Are You Using A.I.?

35 Ways Real People Are Using A.I. Right Now

Francesca Paris and 

I found this list in the New York Times, and I chose to share 12 of the ones I thought made the most sense to me. This list is almost a month old now. Any other ways you are using A.I right now?

1. Plan workouts.

Give a concisely formatted summary of this workout and the muscle groups activated. Note any muscle groups that were missed and suggest how to cover them with extras/replacements.

After summarizing the notes, ChatGPT said:

Missed Muscle Groups & Suggestions:
Quadriceps: Add leg press, squats or lunges.
Calves: Add standing or seated calf raises.
Glute Activation: Consider adding glute bridges or hip thrusts for better glute focus.

2. Plan meals.

It needs to be both budget-friendly and also kid-friendly for kids who are picky eaters and we need to avoid peanuts. Please include a grocery list. Thank you!

And ChatGPT obliged. Here’s the first day of a week’s meals:

Breakfast: Gluten-free oatmeal with banana and honey
Snack: Fresh fruit (apples, bananas, oranges)
Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwich on gluten-free bread with tomato soup
Snack: Gluten-free crackers with hummus
Dinner: Slow-cooked beef stew with gluten-free biscuits

3. Organize a messy computer desktop.

“I had a lot of unsorted notes lying around, and I wanted to get them sorted into my file system so I can find them more easily in the future. I basically just gave ChatGPT a directory, a list of all my folder names, and the names of all my files. And it gave me a list of which notes should go into which folders!”

4. Write an email.

I need a midsized summary email written pertaining to data not being given to us in time.

He also asks for a bullet-point list of the concerns that have to be addressed in the email.

And ChatGPT starts a reply:

Subject: Data not received in time – Phone and internet provider information

Hello [Name],

I want to bring to your attention an issue we are facing with the data that was supposed to be provided to us by [Date.] As of now, we have not received the following information that is critical for our project …

5. Get a first read.

“So I’ll have a paragraph I might be putting into a test for a student, or instructions. I say:

Where might people have trouble with this? What’s unclear about this? What’s clear about this?

6. Organize research for a thesis.

Powering through aPh.D. thesis in biology with the help of Scholarcy and Scite, among other A.I. tools that find, aggregate and summarize relevant papers.

“Collectively, they take weeks off of the writing process.”

7. Skim dozens of academic articles.

Use an A.I. tool called Elicit. It lets him ask questions of the paper itself. It helps him find out, without having to read the whole thing, whether the paper touches on the question he’s asking.

“It doesn’t immediately make me ‘smart,’ but it does allow me to have a very quick sense of which papers I should pay attention to when approaching a new question.”

8. Dyslexia

Imagine yourself as a copywriter that I just hired to proofread documents.

“Because I’m dyslexic, it takes me a really long time to get an article down on paper,”  “So the hack I’ve come up with is, I’ll dictate my entire article. Then I’ll have ChatGPT basically correct my spelling and grammar.

9. Get homework help.

Advanced placement math classes, like statistics and calculus, and says when she’s confused with a homework question, she’ll feed it into ChatGPT.

It will give her an answer, but also step-by-step instructions on how it got there — a kind of self-guided tutoring process that she once used math apps or Khan Academy videos for.

10. Get help when English is your second language.

“If I can’t think of a particular word, for example, it is super easy to just describe the word, and GPT almost always knows what I mean, even if the description is really bad.”

11. Create an app when you’ve never coded before.

Make a button on my computer that, when I hit it, will automatically summarize a document for me. I said:

Can you do that?

“And GPT-4 said:

Sure! Here’s a Python program.

“I pasted in everything it told me to paste in. Now I have a button on my computer to summarize documents. And I can’t code, by the way.”

12. Build entirely new games.

Can you create me a puzzle game like Sudoku?

“Instantly, it came up with some pretty good puzzle game ideas,” he said. “I found one I was happy with.”

Then he wrote:

Can you code me a playable version of this?

13. Make a Spotify playlist

Hook up GPT-3 to Spotify. Just type:

Give me songs that are acoustic but energetic.

Play the Cars but none of those boring slow songs.

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