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Official Norwegian Report, #Liedutvalget, changing the structure of schools

Guaranteeing success for all?

Today a new Norwegian Report was launched and it is something I have been looking forward to for a long time. I have great hopes that this will be a school for all students, no matter how far they are in their learning, where we move from a Time-Based to Performance-Based System. The name of the NOU 2019: 25 is “Med rett til å mestre”, a difficult phrase to translate. It is actually quite similar to the “No student left behind”. Every student has the right to succeed and learn in school and school should adjust to meet the students, instead of the other way around. I have just read the report and here are (in my opinion) the high lights:

The committee’s mandate is to consider, among other things

Today every child has a right to attend high school for 3 years. The committee’s proposal is to change this to every child has the right to complete high school, That is a huge and important difference.

Students that are not qualified for high school, meaning they lack competencies in certain subjects, will get courses adjusted to their level so that they are able to qualify and move on.

I am particularly happy about the point that is made in chapter 3, “ Final competence, about being qualified and discussing changes in how we organize high school” Even if students are struggling with certain subjects, it doesn’t mean they should be held back. They might even be advanced in certain areas. Schools should be flexible to suit every student. To be qualified for a subject means students benefit from attending the class. Sometimes they need a little help to get there. We need systems that can easily facilitate this. Because this is not an easy task to organize and we need a system that takes care of this. 




To be continued………..

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