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Prime Minister’s Questions: 24 February 2010

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown captured d...
Image via Wikipedia


Question Time is an opportunity for MPs and Members of the House of Lords to ask government ministers questions. These questions are asked at the start of business in both chambers and are known as ‘oral questions’. The Prime Minister answers questions in the Commons every Wednesday.


This is your first day as a journalist. You work for a newspaper known to support the
(a. Conservative party), (b. The Labour party), (c. Liberal Democrats) Since it is your first day you will be able to work with another journalist of your choice. You will also be able to follow a chat with other journalist where you can post questions. Log in here at TodaysMeet.

Assignment 1:

Attend Question Time 24. of February and write a newspaper article about the most important events taking place. Remember to mention: Background on what Question Time is. How did Gordon Brown appear? Gestures and so on. How about David Cameron? Did all questions get answered? Measure the temperature, were there heated debates? Predict the forthcoming election. Both journalists need to publish their material.

Background material:

  1. The whole debate is to be seen here
  2. The written transcript is here
  3. More about question time here

Assignment 2:

Write an article where you explain the importance of tv debates in this particular election. The rules of the debates, why it is important and how television has influenced elections in the USA.

Background material:

  • BBC news
  • Times online
  • Telegraph UK
  • The independent
  • Exit mobile version