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Working to solve the economic crisis

Half million dollar house in Salinas, Californ...
Image via Wikipedia


  1. To learn more about what measures are taken to solve the economic crisis in the US

Websites to visit:

  1. Obama’s speech to the nation on the 24th of February 2009.
  2. Drop by this web site each week and listen to the president speak.  Barack Obama+
  3. Visit this web-site and read about how thousands of people all across the country have shared their stories of losing jobs, struggling to pay bills, facing foreclosure, and closing family businesses after generations of hard work. “Organizing for America”
  4. Watch this video by “What brought the U.S. economy to the brink“?

Tasks for the students:

  1. Look at this web-site and make a survey of the unemployment rate in the US from 2007. Which states are worst off?
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